Now and then we get an email from a FiPS reader informing us of yellow-clad cheerleaders who stand at the entrance to the 7th avenue B/Q station. They gleefully clap at commuters heading into work, yet no one seems to know who they are or what exactly they're doing.
About a month back a friend texted me: "YLLW FRKS ARE IN." I bolted out the door and headed toward the stop but by the time I got there they were gone. All that remained were their banana-yellow spirits. These people are my Loch Ness Monster.
Does anyone have any idea who the fuck they are?!
[UPDATE: Mystery solved. Thank you, Rob for sending along this Brownstoner article, which identifies the mystery cheerleaders as The Clap (hehe), a group that promotes “contagious applause for the public good.”]
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