NYC's Bicyclist Vigilante

Just about every other day FIPS has something insightful to say about the bike lane wars. Local New Yorker Casey Neistat is also up in arms -- Not about the usual questionable need for bike lanes in certain areas, but for wrongfully getting ticketed for not riding in the bike lane.
New York City regulations state: "Bicycle riders must use bike path/lane, if provided, except for access, safety, turns, etc." And city regulations also ban "parking, standing or stopping vehicles within or otherwise obstructing bike lanes."
Neistat has rebelled against the recent cycle crackdowns the same way many citizens do these days: YouTube! I will admit that I thoroughly enjoyed the video, but please, for christ’s sake, WEAR A HELMET the next time you get all stunt man gung-ho on us to prove a point!
The thing that shocked me most about this video wasn't the ticket, nor Neistat smashing into the back of a cop car. I am baffled that the blundering NYPD cop allowed Neistat to film the entire interaction as he stammered ("Uhhh...Ummm"), looking all the world like an asshole frantically searching for a proper reason to ticket the guy.
Lastly, I'm on the fence when it comes to these cyclist vs. vehicle issues. I've seen some real assholes from both circles, and it seems no one - drivers, bicyclists and even pedestrians included - feel the need to follow traffic regulations. I'm fairly certain I will end up dying via car/cycle/longboard/crosswalk incident in this city someday.