Man, These Senior BALLERS are BITCHES

Yes, kids are annoying as shit, but jaysus.
This retirement community in Florida wants to chase out this little red-headed 6-year-old girl whose mamz is buying crack pipes at the bodega. While her mom is gettin all Whitney Houston'd up, she's shacking up with granny and gramps, but as she's a wee bit under the age of 55, and their lovely little house is located smack dab in the middle of a retirement community, the senior BALLERS are p-i-s-s-e-d.
Grandma and Grandpa are willing to leave, but they can't sell their house because of the recesh-n-all, and their daughter is a crackhead, and man, the whole thing is just sad, sad, sad.
Hey, I know! Maybe Park Slope Parents can do a fundraiser for them?! And buy their house! And then start like a community, co-op time share program in Florida for stressed out Park Slope parents?? They can plant an organic garden, and hang hemp curtains and shit!
(via Buzzfeed)