KLM wants New Yorkers to have Gay Sex on their Airplanes

Attention Gays of Park Slope! KLM, ie "Royal Dutch Airlines," has developed a new high-tech tool to help you get laid on their flights between New York and Amsterdam! Now, when you go to check in for your flight, you can look at the Facebook or Linked-In profiles of everyone else on the flight, and choose your seatmates based on who you think is hot. It's kind of like Grindr, except it all happens at 35,000 feet.
Check out the above video that they've put together to market their Meet & Seat service. They make it look kind of romantic, don't they? The racially-ambiguous muscle boy, Andrew, checks out a couple of different dudes before he decides to sit next to Clyde, a slightly older, but still very hot, business-casual guy. The two flirt with each other on the plane, while concealing their erections with cupped hands. Then, when they land in New York, they share a cab to the apartment of whichever of them lives nearest, so they can fuck each other senseless. I'm guessing that someone also got a blowjob in the airplane bathroom, but KLM doesn't show you that part. SUPER HOT!
Ostensibly, straight people could use this, too, but since they're rolling it out on flights from Amsterdam to New York, San Francisco and Sao Paolo (the four gay sex capitals of the world), I think it's pretty clear where they're really going with this. KLM's Meet & Seat service is gay as the proverbial goose! HONK!