Here are some HEALTHY Park Slope DELIVERY options FOR YOUR FAT, LAZY ASS

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When I first moved to Park Slope from Smalltown, USA, I was seduced by all the decadent dishes that were only a click of my Seamless app away. What do you mean I can get fried mac & cheese, fried pizza and twice fried cherry pie at 11pm on a Tuesday? (ChipShop, you are the spawn of Satan). But with the nicer weather upon us (because it's been such a ball buster of a winter), it's time to reign shit in, health-wise.
Turns out there are quite a few neighborhood delivery options that taste pretty damn good. And when the food arrives, you won't be treating the delivery dude like it's a hostage exchange. Here are my top three favorite Park Slope places to get healthy delivery:
DAO PALATE: Summer Rolls, Steamed Spinach Shumai with Vinaigrette Soy Sauce, Miso Mushroom Soup, Vegetable Medley Lettuce Wraps with Boston Lettuce.
1. Dao Palate
This pan-asian vegan restaurant is located at 329 Flatbush Ave -- not that you care because you're not gettng off the couch for this one. They serve up some seriously fresh and delicious grub. I'm a carnivore and I didn't miss the meat one bit in this meal. Still dreaming of the shumai. Aside from the peanut sauce, this is a pretty guilt-free dinner with left-overs to get you through tomorrow's lunch. There's also a Dao Palate on 5th Ave here in the Slope, but the one in Prospect Heights earned an extra half star on Yelp and I just can't take that sort of risk in my life right now. Quinoa Salad with Corn, Black Beans, Tomatoes & Corn Tortilla Strips with Avocado Dressing
2. 'SNICE:
The great thing about getting S'Nice delivered is that you can scarf while surfing the net in the comfort of your home without worrying about breaking their "no laptops on nearly all of our tables at any window of time when you're likely wanting to hang here" rule. But damn do they make some mean salads. The avocado and quinoa in this salad make it suprisingly satisfying. Quinoa is one of those health buzz words that we all know is supposed to be so good for us but don't really know why. Well, I'll tell you now: A recently rediscovered ancient "grain" native to South America, quinoa was once called "the gold of the Incas," who recognized its value in increasing the stamina of their warriors. Not only is quinoa high in protein, but the protein it supplies is complete protein, meaning that it includes all nine essential amino acids. I'll drink to that.
Tandoori Chicken
Tandoori means cooked in a clay oven, or tandoor, and marinated in a mixure of yogurt and spices. Do you have a tandoor in your galley kitchen? Didn't think so, so order up. Pure protein, minimal fat, and tons of flavor (especially when you include the yogurt dipping sauce that comes with it). And if you're carb-conscious, say "no thanks" to the basmati rice -- though that is some good rice to spend your carbs on, and healthier than your basic white rice.
What's your favorite pretty-good-for-you-health-wise delivery standard? Looking forward to seeing LESS of you!