
The icon – or eyesore, depending on your political slant – called the Kentile sign appears to be headed towards a final downward spiral. That downward spiral is likely to be in a trash chute from the roof of a nondescript building to the bottom of the Gowanus canal, where many other memories of asbestos and bankruptcy relish in the purple funk some believe to be water.
Councilman Brad Lander has invoked the all-powerful online petition process to save this relic of a bygone era. The sign has been dark since the company went bankrupt in 1992 – the same year Whitney Houston married Bobby Brown…coincidence? – and despite attempts to light it up again, those 20 foot tall letters are losing to the much tinier letters on the DoB permit to "remove existing structure." Since the LPC has denied landmark status, it’s likely Brooklyn gentrification is continuing its march towards simple and pricey condos for the very crowd marching to save the sign. Allegedly.
What do you say FIPSters, should it stay or should it go now?