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[FIPS WAS THERE...] 'Ghostbusters' at Brooklyn Bridge Park

New column alert! We here at FIPS spend a hell of a lot of time out and about in Brooklyn, attending outdoor concerts, comedy shows and various other events. So [FIPS Was There...] is where we're gonna' talk about all this shit.

Last Thursday, a few of my besties and I made the trip over to Brooklyn Bridge Park for our first outdoor movie of the season. The flick showing that night was Ghostbusters, the 1984 classic starring Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, and a baby-faced Rick Moranis (note to self: Netflix Honey I Shrunk The Kids immediately). 

If you haven't been to an outdoor movie at Brooklyn Bridge Park, you have plenty of opportunities -- the Syfy Movies With A View series runs every Thursday night through September 1st. Here's a few tips:

1. Get there early. I was able to make it to the park by 4:45pm, and there were still plenty of great spots left. But I'd say that between 5:00-5:15pm, most of the prime locales were snagged. And by quarter to six, there was nothing left but a few bits of grass between blankets. 

2. Be aggressive. Those small bits of grass between blankets? Yeah, tons of assholes tried their best to sit there. Take as much space as you need and don't give it up. 

3. Bring extra blankets/sheets. I totally f'ed up and only brought one blanket. So while I waited for my friends to show up with their blankets, I scattered my belongings around one side of the blanket, and laid in the grass on the other side. Even if you don't end up using all that space, it's better to start big and cut back later in the evening. 

4. Be prepared to wait. The movie didn't start until the sun was almost fully down -- roughly 8:30pm. That means I spent almost four hours just hanging around the park. That's a lot of time to wait. Luckily, I had a book, a few magazines, and a fully charged iPhone. Make sure you've got stuff to keep you occupied. Don't leave your patience at home.

5. Bring food. There was a 45 minute wait for burritos, and they didn't start serving popcorn until right before the movie started. Sure, lots of people went and picked up Grimaldi's. But it's way easier to pack a bunch of snacks and hang out while the sun sets. 

6. Hold it. Lines for the bathrooms were hella long. 

Other than that, the movie was mad fun. I hadn't seen it in years, and was surprised about how well it held up. The CGI didn't look nearly as cheesy as I expected, and the jokes were still right on. Plus: there are few things in life as cool as watching the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man attack New York City on film with the stunning city skyline behind it. Totally kick ass.

But my favorite part of the night was the audience themselves. First, there were four guys who showed up in full-on Ghostbusters costumes (proton packs and all). I also spotted one lady dressed as the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man (she even tossed marshmallows out when puffy appeared on screen). The rest of the crowd was made up of people who cherished the movie just as much as I did. They cheered the characters on, laughed at the necessary jokes, and even shouted "Ghostbusters" back every time Ray Parker Jr. asked, "Who you gonna call?" All and all, a fun night. 

Were you there at Ghostbusters last Thursday night? Anything I missed? And do you have any other outdoor movie tips to add?

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