FIPS Throwback Thursdays: Happy 15th Al Di La
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Effed in Park Slope |
Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 2:00PM

Hot damn, how is it possible that Al Di La turned 15 this week? That makes me feel old. Oh, wait...I am old. Anyhoo. Happy Anniversary, Al Di La! It's pretty impressive that 15 years in you're still one of the hottest restaurants in the 'hood. Your best kept not-so-secret is that you are open for lunch and there's no two hour wait for a table like there is for dinner. Here's a Throwback Thursday look at a FIPS interview with Al Di La's Executive Chef and Co-Owner, Anna Klinger:
What do you like most/least about Park Slope?
Predictable answer, but my favorite thing about Park Slope is the park. Of course. Least favorite?: parking. I've had my car towed I don't know how many times for forgetting to move it back on alternate side days, so now my husband takes care of I probably shouldn't complain. He just rolls his eyes when I offer to deal with the car.
When and why did you move here?
I moved here in 1997 because an apartment became available in the same building my brother lived in. It was the top floor apartment in a brownstone on Sterling place, a welcome change from the cubicle I was living in on 33rd and 3rd above McDonalds. On one side, there was a sliver of the Empire State Building visible, and on the other, the delightful scent of fries wafting through the window at all hours. The new place was also just what I needed to finally lure my now husband to NY permanently.
What are your favorite restaurants in the area, divey and fancy?
My favorite neighborhood dive is Bonnie’s. Fancy: Blue Ribbon Sushi. Once in a while, if I'm really lucky, I'll find a half of a cold Bonnie’s burger left in the fridge from the boys when I get home. That is one of the best presents EVER. But they're usually gone before I even close the refrigerator door.
Where do you buy your groceries?
I buy my groceries at Union Market, the green markets, and Associated. Once in a while, I brave the Key Food on Seventh, but only in a moment of utter desperation.
Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Food Coop?
No and no. I thought about it, but I knew I'd end up working my husband’s shifts and we don't have a nanny.
Favorite coffee joint or hangout?
My favorite hangout is either Trois Pomme — her sticky buns are outrageous — or Cafe Martin. I actually haven't had a cup of coffee since July, but back in the day, watching the owner of Cafe Martin steam milk gave me chills. I'm much nicer since I quit coffee.
What’s your position on kids’ menus?
I'm okay with kids’ menus in other restaurants. We don't have one but we try to accommodate when asked. I can always make a simple pasta with butter, butter and cheese or tomato sauce. Thankfully we don't get too many complaints about not having one. I was thinking of adding a few things for lunch/brunch, though.
You and your man seem so refined and tasteful, so I’m wondering if you have any really trashy vices like eating crap food on off hours and/or watching episodes of Iron Chef when you get home late from the restaurant?
I eat cracker barrel cheese sandwiches on white bread if I'm starving when I get home at night. I wash it down frequently with probably more than my fair share of sparkling wine. Also sort of obsessed with watching Grey's Anatomy reruns on Netflix. (Editor’s Note: McDreamy's her man). Not sure how trashy any of that is.
What do you make of chef meanie Gordon Ramsey, the plethora of restaurant reality shows, and have you ever been approached to be on one of these gladiator cook-off shows?
I've been approached by a couple of the reality TV shows, but would be terrified to ever do something like that. Some kind of phobia I guess. I do love Jamie Oliver's show.
Are most chefs a pain in the ass? Why does your profession have a bad reputation?
I think a lot of chef's are pains in the ass(es), probably myself included. Long hours, constant stress, absent dishwashers, broken water heaters, broken cooking equipment, lost orders, rotten weather affecting the price of produce, late deliveries, uncooperative computers, scheduling, making school lunch every morning after a late night. There are a lot of reasons!
Apropos of assy reputations, breeders in Park Slope are officially an internationally recognized punch line. Do you have any opinions on whether Park Slope parents (not the listserv) should rebrand?
I don't think Park Slope is deserving of the bad rap it's gotten lately. It's just a trend. We'll come out of it.
Have you been to the PS 321 annual potluck yet and what dish do you bring?
I experienced the PS 321 potluck for the first time this year. Couldn't stay for long but it seemed fun. We brought a plate of grilled pork ribs, which was devoured at an alarming rate.
I heard that Emiliano got a ticket from our crack park police for having the pooch off-leash after 9 am. Did he think about running for it when he saw them coming for him? Because I really would have loved that.
Emiliano did get a ticket for walking Max off leash. He meandered around out of their reach until he thought they'd disappeared. They nabbed him when he surfaced...tricky bastards. I think for sure, next time he'll run. I'll be sure to let you know if that happens.
Are you still doing that park bench boot camp class and do people snicker at you guys when they walk by?
Yes, I still do boot camp. We've spent the winter in my living room. It WAS a little embarrassing last year when we were doing squats as all of PS 321 walked by. Snicker away cause I almost have a six-pack.