FIPS Round-up: Last Minute Costume Ideas

Heading to a Halloween party tonight with no costume plan at the ready? FIPS is here to help! First of all, check out the hilarious video from FIPS alum Kerri, star of the web series Geeking Out. Here's what the FIPS wack pack has to offer:
- Banksy: Don't let anyone know you're at the party
- A seat @ Park Slope's Pavillion Theater: Wear some old dirty stained purple clothes (or soak white clothes in grape juice) and put some plastic bugs (or real bed bugs) on yourself. Bonus: add to the costume as the night goes on by smashing unwanted Halloween candy you receive on yourself
- My friends and I are all going as emojis which basically mean you can find SOMETHING in your closet :)
- Viking. Leg warmers, sweats ripped down to shorts. T-shirt with the collar and sleeves ripped off, some string (preferably leather) on your forearms and most importantly that fuzzy rug that goes around your toilet on your shoulders. If you can get a cheap viking helmet that would be cool too.
- The walk of shame: This one works best for the ladies. Dress, ripped tights, a dude's button down, messed up hair and smeared make-up. (Note to breeders who choose this option: Be prepared to have an alternate explanation if you have a teenaged babysitter. A "friend" was not.)
- Green with Envy: Wear green clothes. Paint face green. Put letters N and V on shirt. (Stole this from my friend Jen who did this in college)
- Devil wears Prada: Draw Prada logo on t-shirt. Wear devil horns.
-Pippi Longstocking. Make 2 braids, draw on freckles with eyeliner. If you have striped socks, even better.
-Pirate (or Little Steven) Horizontal Striped shirt, bandana around your head, 1 hoop earring
- When all else fails, put on clothes that're so mismatched that they'd cause a GQ-sized heart attack and go as "the clash." Bonus points if you get someone to give you a "strummer."
Have fun tonight! Oh, and here's a list of Halloween safety tips.