In case you've spent the week wondering if living alone truly makes you crazy, here's a quick wrap-up of juicy FiPS news that graced the pages of our blog this week:
* Cool Or Not Cool: Stray cats to manage our rodent problem? After a recent trip to Israel, Erica ponders just how free we may be from rats and mice if only we had some stray cats roaming around the Slope.
* This prospect park south house has a hidden booze room: Shortly after buying an old Victorian house in Prospect Park South, architect Eric Schiller discovered a hidden room, likely from the days of Prohibition. HASHTAG, THISISAWESOME.
* Expanding slope district will save us all. unless, of course, it doesn't: Thomas speculates what types of businesses might open up in North Slope if the Atlantic Yards Project trumps the proposed Park Slope historic district expansion (spoiler: it's pretty damn depressing).
* Who Gives a shit: Will you vote for the vote on banning co-op products from israel?: Once again, the subject of Israeli products having a home inside of the Food Coop has reared its ugly head. Oh, and did you guys hear that Glenn Beck called the Coop "anti-semitic?" 'Cause he did.
* With a new roadhouse-esque restaurant, will the ghost of patrick swayze float around 5th avenue?: The trio behind FiPS favorite eatery Talde will be opening up a new restaurant in the space on 5th Ave that Aunt Suzie's once occupied. Expect "beer, cheap whisky and really chill bar food."