FIPS cares! (really...we do).
Ok everyone, listen up! We have some more FIPS CARES community assignments. Why the fuck should you care? Cause maybe we'll be helping your ass next.
First up is a request from our friend Chrysanthe from Brooklyn Based who is looking for two Park Slope guardian angels (and one pregnant Park Slope bitch):
"As you know, while riding my bike, I was doored by a car (green subaru forrester) on 5th in Park Slope on Friday evening at about 7pm by a pregnant woman. Two kind people who were just bystanders helped me out and I'd like to find them to say thank you. Do you think you/your readers could help me find them? They were in a van parked on 5th and helped calm me down, offered me water, etc. because, unfortunately, the people who doored me didn't help me out. Please help me find Chester+Claire so I can send them some free tix or something! I was in shock so I don't remember much, but Chester was tall with long hair, Claire was very tan, and they were in a big white van.
P.S. I'm ok, a bit shaky on the bike still, and have some badass bruises. Look out for preggers park slope passengers!"
Claire? Chester? Anyone???
Our next request is from Oliver: dude needs a roommate and needs one BAD (and it sounds like he has a killer place!):
Place is on 17th Street between 5th and 6th in a three family triple-decker (I'm on the second floor). I've been there for about 4 years, got a great relationship with the landlord (ie I don't bother him and he doesn't raise the rent). There's a huge living room and an even bigger kitchen (bonus for those who like to cook). The people who live in the apartments above me are good trust-worthy people and not the type that will be keeping you up with loud music or anything like that.
Now for the nitty-gritty. The place is $1700 (that's the all in price, $850 at the 50-50 rate) plus the cable and utilities. Now this is an unusual situation, for their share of the rent, they get both the bedroom and an office. That's two separate rooms for the price of one. My past two roommates used this room as an office or a storage room for all his music gear.
The apartment is pretty well furnished, living room has a kitchen, Lazy-Boy, coffee table, TV. Kitchen is stocked with utensils, microwave, slow-cooker, deep-fryer, coffee maker. Office has a desk and chair. The only thing that really needs to be furnished will be the bedroom.
Here comes the tricky part. I'm looking for someone who has a real steady job. The kind that if they got laid-off would at least have some sort of severance package to pay the rent. I'm not looking for someone who "free-lances" at home writing poetry (yes, this was an actual applicant). I don't mind dogs or cats just as long as it is limited to just one (yes, some people seem to think that 3 dogs is fine... my place isn't that big). Other than that, I'm game for whomever.
Just a couple things about me, I have a steady 9-5 working in corporate America. 3-4 days a week, I go to class (3 at nights, 1 on Saturday afternoon). Other than that, I'm pretty much your regular everyday normal guy. College grad. I cook occasionally, I keep the common areas neat and tidy. Don't smoke. I'm from Massachusetts, so I love the Red Sox. And I was in the army.
There's a case of beer if this leads to a decent roommate.
Check it on craigslist too.
Ok people, you know what to do! (tips/leads? Leave a comment).