Extreme Makeover GAP Edition: "These Soldiers and Sailors Did Not Die For Your Damn Bike Lanes"
Grand Army Plaza is getting its long-anticipated facelift this summer. Early. Yes, according to real journos like my idol Matt Chaban of the Observer (who I have to thank for the quote above), the DOT is moving forward the redo of GAP.
And honestly, anything has gotta be an improvement.
My personal call last year:
Synchronize those lights so I can actually get to the library from the park side without sprinting, frantically screaming to little people, “run, dammit, run like the wind.” Or end up a sitting duck with 20 other schmoes stuck in the median.
Referred to alternately as a vehicular miasma (Observer), a pedestrian hazard (design trust), harrowing death trap (me), the Grand Army Plaza def has room for improvement.
The fixer-upper plan per people who can actually understand this kind of thing: simplify the roads with more direct car routes, make life safer for walkers with lots of new sitting duck pedestrian plazas, enlarge and pretty up that center arch part to make it more inviting and accessible to wedding photographers et al, and, wait for it.... no two way bike lane on Plaza Street as originally planned.
Drat those Neighbors for Better Bike Lanes!
So, what do you all think. Do we give a shit?
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