Culture opens their second location [in Manhattan]

It's been a little over two years since Culture first opened their doors in Park Slope. (Remember the food boner we had when we first tried it?). Since then, what seems like 100 yogurt and gelato places have opened in the neighborhood, each trying to take a bite of Culture's business. Yet none of them have succeeded at scooping away Culture's customers (We'll stop with the puns now, we swear). Which is why Culture decided to open up a second location!
The good news is, the second location is just as good as the first. The bad news? It's in Manhattan (60 W 8th St - to be exact). But if you're up for trekking over to the West Village, you'll get 6 daily flavors instead of 4, plenty of seating, and the same great product you've come to know and love. Take a look and be sure to check them out to show them your support!