Cool or Not Cool: The Brunch Jerks here at the FIPS media empire have often covered the brunch scene in our little nirvana of a barrio, and not once have we called the attendees of these drinking luaus a bunch of jerks. At least I think so. Other words, yes. But jerks? Never! That indicates a level of douchiness we usually reserve for entitled yuppies, who in their own awesome bro-ness like to kick kids off of soccer fields so they can pretend they are still at the U in the quad being younger versions of the assholes they have become. But I digress. While there is absolutely no shortage of brunch fuckery in Manhattan, I like to think that we are spared the horror of watching the bro-ho crowd barf[AJ1] their way through college. Instead we saunter into our normal food troughs and peck at an organic egg brioche while little Gulliver and Wren study Ilokano in the double-wide stroller blocking the door. So what do you think? Is Brunch for Jerks, Jerkettes, and little Jerkies?