COOL OR NOT COOL: Continuing to Blast The 'Rape Cop'

Photo Via Gothamist
Though former NYPD officer Kenneth Moreno was recently found innocent "not guilty" of raping a woman in the East Village back in 2008, a series of posters have been plastered around Brooklyn letting us know where he lives. Hold on to your Kombucha tea, because it's PARK SLOPE!
Gothamist redacted the street name, however, as well as the intersection where the posters were spotted. They say:
"Because, well, Moreno was found innocent of rape by a jury of his peers, who seemed to believe that the officer merely snuggled with his accuser for a half hour in her bedroom while she wore nothing but a bra."
These additional posters, depicting both Moreno and his partner as rapists in a chic stencil style, were also spotted in Manhattan along Bowery and 2nd avenue:
Do we really need to know where Moreno lives though? Or is this a rightful continuation of public shaming for a man who was meant to protect the city's citizens and instead acted like a jackass?
What say ye, FIPSTERS?