Coming to Culture: Dairy Cow Dream

We here at FIPS have an unabashed love for Culture and all of its tasty fro-yo delights. We also seriously dig our FIPS cartoonist-in-residence Steven Weinberg. So when we heard that both were joining forces this Saturday, we damn near lost our shit (and we can even take a little of the credit for hooking the two up).
Thanks to this illustration, the peeps at Culture dropped Steven a line and asked if he wanted to show some of his stuff inside their business. The result is "Dairy Cow Dream," which opens this Saturday, July 14th from 5-7PM at Culture's 5th Avenue location. There will be 15 new yogurt-inspired watercolors on display, all of which will be for sale at the event or through Steven's page on Society 6. And if you can't make it over on Saturday, no worries; the show will be up through the end of the summer.
Be sure to check out Steven's blog for more pics and info and while you're at it, read Weinberg's interview with Brooklyn Based (Psst: You can also check out the piece on our fearless managing editor over there as well).