Chris Rock Used To Hook Up With Park Slope Chicks

Chris Rock recently spoke to the Wall Street Journal about his new role in 2 Days in New York, a sequel to Julie Delpy's 2 Days in Paris (I'm still holding my breath for Rock to team up with Louis CK for a Pootie Tang sequel, but whatever). I learned a lot of interesting things about Chris Rock in this article -- like how he used to bang a lot of chicks in Park Slope! Behold:
WSJ: One of the lines that jumped out at me was a reference to your character being from Park Slope. Are you really from Park Slope?
CR: No, I'm from Bed-Stuy. But I used to hang out in Park Slope all the time because it was nicer. There are people in Park Slope that think I'm from Park Slope. I used to always have a girlfriend in Park Slope. I didn't want to spend my summers in Bed-Stuy, so I would comb the streets of Park Slope to get a girl. If I broke up with one I'd get another one. It's like chicks who would make sure they had a boyfriend in the Hamptons. It's no different. Some people are just more geographically appealing than others.