Buh Bye Eagles Clothes Sign

The Eagles Clothes sign, atop the factory building on 3rd Avenue and 6th Street, was a part of the Brooklyn skyline since 1951. U-haul, owner of the building since the late-1980’s, brought down the vintage sign last week to make space for a two floor expansion. With the Eagles sign goes another piece of its generation’s audacious, historic Brooklyn.
U-haul wanted to preserve the sign as part of the expansion--as it has for the past 24 years--but logistics made it impossible. Project manager David Pollock cites city height restrictions and challenges of restoration as the major reasons for their final decision. As a compromise of sorts, U-haul will keep all the pieces of the sign in tact and use some to decorate the expanded building’s new facade.
"My first reaction was, what a piece of art," Pollock said. "The size, the proportion — someone really spent some time putting this together. That's why I'll do everything in my power to make sure we maintain the past and incorporate parts of the sign into the building."
The well-known sign managed to outlive the company itself, remaining proudly in the sky long after Eagle filed for bankruptcy in 1989. In the words of New York Magazine’s Mark Jacobson: "Giant faded letters set with industrial elegance upon a 50-foot-square metal frame, topped by a longitude-demarcated globe befitting a 'world headquarters,' the Eagle sign speaks of a more primal, less fleeting era of capital. A time when sewing-machine manufacturers and coffin coopers, so many of them immigrant machers on the make, felt the need to announce themselves and the claim-staking entities they created, to carve their names upon the skyline like fixed stars."
What do you guys think about the Eagle Clothes sign? Are you gonna miss seeing it on your F-Train commute?
via DNAinfo