Brownstone formerly known as the Pink House on the market again

Image credit : Jeanne Noonan/NYDailyNewsThe once “Pink House” is up for grabs…again. Neighborhoodies will, of course, remember the illustrious Pink House that so uniquely set itself apart.
The house at 233 Garfield Place sold last year for $2.395 million—a meager fee considering the new $4.795 million price tag. The buyer’s first order of business was to paint it doo-doo brown. What the hell did they put in that place for a $2.4 million markup? If I were to jump on that there had better be some serious secret passages, a gold staircase and maybe even a marble cherub pissing hot fudge onto my built-in Cold Stone Ice Cream Bar. Whatever the improvements, they are trying to flip the shit out of this house. Me thinks somebody has been watching “Property Brothers.”
Lost gem, or eyesore? Should the new owner restore the home to its once pepto-abysmal glory or allow it to camouflage itself in good company? For nearly $5 million I guess they can paint it any color they damn well please.