Brooklyn rent almost as high as Manhattan...and it's all Lena Dunham's fault!

Yesterday, the Daily News reported that the price difference between the median Brooklyn rent and the median Manhattan rent is only $300, calling it the "second-smallest gap on record." And according to one guy in Greenpoint, there's only one woman to blame:
“Damned Lena Dunham,” Ammon added, referring to the creator of the HBO show “Girls,” which has been widely credited with making Greenpoint one of the hottest neighborhoods in the booming borough.
But, Lena Dunham deeply cares about people getting priced out of the city! It's not her fault! Well, maybe it's not ALL her fault. The bigger culprit is the New York Times Styles Section, for its never-ending stream of Brooklyn "trend" pieces. No matter who you choose to blame, it seems people are now moving to Queens.
Just for funsies, let's do a rent roll call here in the comments. What are you paying these days?