Brooklyn Creative League is So On

Granted the idea of co-working is a bit Kumbaya-ish for my taste, but as someone who used to work from home and was typically still in my pajamas, unshowered on the couch by 5pm, also it could kinda rock.
So, I had fun visiting Brooklyn Creative League last week, which is a snazzy new co-working spot opening up in Park Slope. They offer a bunch of different types of spaces from private offices, to smaller workstations and the month-to-month membership plans start at $350/mo. They also have all your other typical office crap (conference room, kitchen) and some add'l atypical office crap (like a cool lounge-y/event area).
There are a whole mess of upcoming open houses where you can check it out for yourselves:
Wednesday, April 15 (10am-2pm)
Saturday, April 18 (12-4pm)
Monday, April 20 (10am-2pm)
Thursday, April 23 (6pm-9pm)
If FIPS *did* have an office (which we soooo don't), it would kinda rule to have one here (also, ANYTHING to avoid Wednesday sing-alongs at the Tea Lounge).
Brooklyn Creative League
540 President Street, 3rd Floor (btwn 3/4th aves)