Bare Foot Organics CSA Is Back in Park Slope

Bare Foot Organics wants you to sign-up for their CSA, and THERE IS NO WORK SHIFT INVOLVED. I repeat: n-o w-o-r-k-s-h-i-f-t whatsoever.
Here's the deal: You can join the Pennsylvania's farm's CSA (community supported agriculture) program and get you and your hungry ass family 21 weeks of locally grown/produced vegetables, fruits, cheese, eggs and meat at Greystone Farm by farmer Phil. Pick-ups will be Tues nights starting in early June at the Triomph Gym at 540 President Street.
This is their second year, and apparently the first one went off like gangbusters.
If you participate in the program, you're sorta buying a share of the farm for the season and showing your support, which is a pretty nice thing to do these days as being a farmer ain't so easy, ya know?
The CSA costs $32-$39/week, and you have to sign-up by April 15th if you wanna join in on all the fun.
You can read more and download a contract here if you are interested.