"Ban the (Plastic) Bag in NYC" Rallies in Park Slope

Do you hate plastic bags for hurting our environment? Of course you do! Slopers pride themselves in being environmentally conscious. Which is probably why the “Ban the bag in NYC!” workshop will be held here on June 24.
The forum on reducing/eradicating use of those pesky landfill cloggers features a keynote address by our very own Councilman Brad Lander (D-Park Slope). Lander has been researching legislation banning the use of plastic bags in NYC. Cities like San Francisco and Seattle already set the precedent by passing such laws. The New York Daily News quotes Landers championing the cause with an exaggeration only politicians or teenagers could deliver straight-faced: “When you see more plastic bags than birds in many of our city’s trees, it is clear we need to do something.”
While that paints a far more epic, there’s no denying our dependence on plastic bags is having a negative impact on the environment. We use plastic bags by the tens of thousands every year. They may not end up on trees but they do end up in landfills where they will take up space until... well, pretty much forever since plastic bags aren’t biodegradable.
The event will be hosted by the No Impact Project. Volunteers from the group will also try to rally store owners to pitch in. Stores can help the effort by switching to paper bags or charging people who absolutely, positively must have plastic bags.
For details on “Bag the bag in NYC!” or to learn more about the No Impact Project, visit their website: http://noimpactproject.org/worldchange/banthebag/