Babeland vs. Park Slope BREEDERS
While it kills me that we can't track down the actual poster that FIPS reader Slope Rock Chick is referring to (the pic to the left is just something I google image searched), this is still a pretty fab tale:
Recently, during these icy winter months the folks at Babeland seem to have gotten the bright idea to try to warm things up ‘round Park Slope by plastering every construction fence in the 4th/5th Ave area with a wall of giant advertising posters featuring a tattooed, probably-naked-but-still-suitable-for-MTV/CW, couple ready for a roll in the hay. Suggestive, but not terribly offensive--even by my blush-at-the newsstand sensibilities.
Anyway, it seems that in Baby Slope, some mommies and daddies don’t want their little whatevers asking any birds’n’bees-type questions, so the posters were immediately torn down.
Then, they reappeared, only to be immediately torn down again.
This cycle was repeated at least three times, which was pretty hilarious because it made yours truly and a similarly grumpy friend wonder: Do Slope parents somehow find a poster that implies that sometimes people have sex more offensive---or more sexually explicit---than the parade of fairly icky babybumps (mostly not, like, Natalie Portman cute or anything) skiing around the ‘hood announcing the knocked-up status of every third lady you pass on the street?
The construction fence on our cranky/icy street has, thankfully, been torn down recently, so I’m not sure if the poster war is still raging somewhere else. Cheers to Babeland for putting up a good fight though.
P.S. On second thought, maybe Nataile "I'm in a movie with Ashton Kutcher for some reason" Portman's bump isn't all that cute either.
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