Annual United Methodist Book Sale Starts Tomorrow

via ParkSlopeStoop.comIt's that time of year again, folks: Time for the crazy-amazing-not-to-be-missed United Methodist Book Sale. And it's the 20th anniversary! Loyal FiPS readers know that Erica has a MAJOR obsession with this annual event, even proposing marriage to it. Yeah, I'm not exactly sure how that works either, but who cares when there are tons of books for $2 or less to be had? They also sell DVDs, CDs and records.
Here are the deets:
Friday, February 22
7:00pm to 9:30pm $20 admission
Saturday, February 23
9:00am to 5:00pm Free admission
Sunday, February 24 (afternoon only)
12:30pm to 5:00pm Free admission
Most books are $1 or $2.
Donations needed: We welcome donations of books, children's books, CDs, DVDs and records. GOOD CONDITION ONLY, please. NO magazines, NO videos, NO cassette tapes, NO damaged or moldy books, NO outdated textbooks or old computer manuals. Donations are tax-deductible.
Donations will be gratefully accepted at the church on the following dates and times:
Saturday, February 16: Noon to 4pm
Sunday, February 17: 3pm to 6pm
Monday, February 18: 10am to 5pm (Presidents Day)
Thursday, February 21: 6pm to 9pm
Friday, February 22: Noon to 3pm
To arrange a car pickup (Park Slope and vicinity only), call Rick at 347.538.7604. All items must be boxed/bagged and ready to go.
Tens of thousands of books at bargain prices, and they replenish throughout the weekend, so don't feel like you'll miss out on good stuff if you don't get there when it first opens.
Happy reading!