You Know You're A Park Slope Mom When...

What makes a Park Slope mom different from other moms? In honor of Mother's Day, we thought it would be fun to ask our friends and neighbors to answer that question.
You know you're a Park Slope Mom when...
...your eight year old has stronger political views than you do.
...your daughter's hair is really short, and your son's hair is really long. own at least one pair of Birkentstocks, the "cool" style, in patent leather.
...your kids think it's okay to take toys off of random front lawns when visiting relatives in the 'burbs.
...your ex takes the kids to Five Guys every other Saturday.
...your kids know what kale is but they're stumped by a Big Mac. go to Connecticut Muffin with Pantene still on your hair from a lice comb-out.
...people don't recognize you when you're not wearing gym/dog-walking clothes.
...your kids remind you when it's a Food Truck Sunday. threaten to call the police on a 4 year old who shoved your kid in the playground.
...your daughter has her own business making artisanal soaps.
Add your own in the comments. Oh, and Happy Mother's Day, Park Slope!
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