Woman Duped In Lamest Scam Ever

The Brooklyn Paper Police Blotter recently posted this account of a Park Slope robbery that I honestly CAN NOT believe happened outside of a television sitcom:
Swindlers used a classic lottery sting to steal a whopping $10,500 from a woman outside the Park Slope Co-op on Aug. 11.
The smooth talkers approached the woman on Union Street between Sixth and Seventh avenues at 1:40 pm, and informed her they’d won a multi-million-dollar lottery ticket — but needed cash to redeem it, and would reward her accordingly. The gullible victim withdrew $7,500 from two banks, and then took the thieves to her house, where she retrieved another $3,000.
Cash in hand, the bandits asked for some tea — and promptly left the apartment while it was being made.
Clearly the victim hasn't seen the episode of The Golden Girls where Sophia and Blanche are duped by the suave man and a nun in the classic Pigeon Drop scam.