Who Gives A Shit: What's Your Valentine's Day Jam?

Image via onceuponacuttingboard.comWe here at FiPS HQ have varying degrees of love for Valentine's Day. Some of us have time-honored traditions, some of us think it's a ridiculous Hallmark holiday, some of us think both of those things at the same time. Here's a hodge-podge of FiPS writers' traditions/thoughts/wishes/rants about V-Day:
Vee: Every year we make a fancy dinner at home. Something we don't have on a usual basis.
Chinae: I'm still passing out those classroom set Valentine's Day cards to my friends at age 27...this year I think I'll spring for some with attached candy. Bonus: This year I'm headed to LA for the weekend to visit my long-distance boyfriend, with a Valentine's Day overnight to San Diego, I've never been! Did I mention it's going to be 76 degrees?
Daniel: My mom sends me a Starbucks gift card every year. She signs it "Love Mom & Dad", but I know it's just her. She's my main Valentine.
Jessica: So, normally I'm all "Valentine's Day? Meh. Whatevs it's just a made up holiday at most and religious at the very least, who cares. But if you want to give me chocolate or something that's not a problem." Then this year, my boyfriend was all "Dude get away from me so I can buy you a gift!" So I says, "Huh? We're doing GIFTS now? I have to like, buy you a present?? Didn't we just do Christmas like 5 seconds ago??? Alright..." So then, I bought him something on Amazon, because that's what lazy, smart people do, and told him I completed the task so he can start prepping for huge levels of excitement. And then he says, "Oh fuck! We're still doing that?!" And I'm like, "Bitchthiswasyourmuthafuckinidea!" And now I think he's buying me something out of guilt. It better not be chocolate mixed with peanut butter because I hate that combination. As far as plans go, we'll probably just be lazy and order pizza so we don't have to brave any sort of V-Day crowd, and I'll be that guy that asks them to cut out heart-shaped pepperoni, and then instead we'll get regular shaped pepperoni, with spit on it, but it'll be okay because nothing can ruin the beauty of a couple in love. Not even spit on pizza.
Karen: For as long as I can remember, I've received a new pair of underwear...from my mom. She now does the same for my husband and kids.
Kim: A few years ago my boyfriend gave me this towel as a gift so I could remember which side to swipe with. We are no longer dating.
Do you have any special Valentine's Day traditions or memories, or do you hate the fuck out of this holiday? Let us know in the comments.