Who Gives A Shit: What would you do if drug dealers lived on your block?

Well, this is a first in the FiPS advice department...
A FiPS reader recently wrote in and asked for some input on how to deal with drug dealers in the neighborhood:
I live on 5th Street between 4th/5th Avenues. There have been drug dealers living on my street for over a year. They even deal heroin to my neighbors, who are regular parents who live down the street. I have two kids, and I don't let them play outside anymore because their group always hangs outside. The police won't do anything unless I can catch them dealing. Who the hell ever caught someone dealing drugs?! And if I caught them, do you think they would still be dealing by the time the cops arrived? Even the community board was worthless -- they just directed me to the cops. Any advice? I own, so do I move?
- Feeling really Fucked in Park Slope
When I think of dealers, my mind goes straight to Walter White and Jesse Pinkman, so my off-the-top-of-the-head-answer is to invite them over for a sexy three-way. That's probably not what said FiPS reader wants to hear though, so I'll let you guys offer your own sage advice in the box below.