Ok, so I have an apartment twin.
And by this I mean: there is one person in my building who, for whatever reason, I SEE ALL THE FUCKING TIME, more than anyone else. In the elevator, in the lobby, on the street, at the recycling bins, rinse, repeat again and again and again.
In case you think it's just because we have the same schedule (we both have to be at work at 9am, for example), you'd be wrong. In fact, I don't have a regular schedule. Some days I work from home, some days I don't (and it's different every week); sometimes I wake up at 7am and sometimes I wake up at 9am; some days Oliver whines and bitches to go out at 6:45am and some days he doesn't stir until noon. And yet the one constant is that I ALWAYS see this person, usually multiple times a day.
Just for perspective, there are 52 units in our apartment building, and like 100+ people live here. This person does not live on my floor, does not have a dog, and otherwise doesn't seem to have any other life things in common with me other than our address.
And just to be clear, this is MY apartment twin, and not Greg's...he has his own apartment twin. The only time he sees my apartment twin is when we're together.
I don't know, this just seems very fucking weird to me.
It's gotten to the point that I'm seriously wondering why the universe is insisting on us crossing each other's path so often? There are so many other people in my building that I NEVER see: people who have dogs, people who live on my floor, people who ride the same subway as I do and get off on THE VERY SAME STOP.
But nope: it's just always me and my apartment twin.
Does anyone else have an apartment twin? Is this a thing? Or am I just retarded?

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