Who Gives A Shit: Do you fight with strangers on the subway?
People who lean against the pole when the train is crowded. Able bodied men and women who don't give up their seats for seniors/pregnant women/people with canes or crutches. People blasting their music so loud you can hear it, even though they're wearing headphones. Douchebags who sit next to you with their legs wide apart, taking up way more than their allotted personal space. Crazy doomsday predictors preaching at top volume about Jesus when you're just trying to get home from another day in your fucking cubicle. True, there are many moments of kindness to be witnessed in our fair city, but damn, riding the subway can really work on your nerves. Question is, do you ever just lose it and call people out for their bad behavior? Or do you just sigh loudly and try to take deep cleansing breaths with your eyes closed while trying to imagine you're sipping on a Mai Tai in Turks and Caicos? Let's hear your crazy-ass subway stories in the comments.
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