Who Gives A Shit?: Best Cold-Killing Soup in the Slope
Have you noticed lately that everyone is coming down with a cold? We've been ridiculously blessed with spectacular fall weather for the past few weeks, but the return to the post Labor Day daily grind seems to have taken its toll. It almost makes you want to wear a surgical mask on your morning commute.
Of course, if you mention you're fighting something, you will inevitably get advice on how to prevent it from going full blown. One friend told me to take liquid Goldenseal, another swears by echinacea and zinc tablets, while I've been pounding the Ester-C.
Of course, once you're down for the count, it's all about the soup you'll be eating until you're better. This sad, sickly soul took to Chowhound to find out where to go for a good cold-killing soup, now that his favorite Thai place has closed (hmmmm...wonder if it was Beet). I have yet to find a decent Matzoh Ball soup in the neighborhood (anyone????), so I usuallly go for the wonton soup from Hunan Delight, with as many packets of the Chinese mustard as I can handle mixed in.
What's your soup fix when you're sick?
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