What's Worse: The Pavillion Movie Theater or Nazis?

When New York Magazine declared Park Slope the best place to live in New York, I'm pretty sure it wasn't for our movie theater. Because The Pavilion is the worst piece of shit move theater I've ever been to in my life.
Because like death, taxes, and weekend F train delays, The Pavilion being a total shithole is one of the only things in life you can count on.
Now before I get into this, let me throw down a disclaimer: when I go to the movies, I fully expect everyone around me to act like total assholes. Holding seats for no reason, talking to the screen, spilling food everywhere, answering phones, letting their kids run around, getting in fights - I've seen it all, and none of it surprises me. people are dicks. They're dicks on the subway. They're dicks at restaurants. They're dicks everywhere in life. Why wouldn't they be dicks in the movies? Personally, I refuse to let those twats get the better of me.
I mean, let's face it: when those bed bugs rumors popped up in November, no one was *really* surprised. The reason they spread like wildfire is because anyone who's actually been to The Pavilion knows that shit is completely plausible.
Here's proof. What you're about to see is documentation of Theater 3, taken after the 9:30 p.m. showing of Kick Ass on Saturday night. You can tell what theater it was and what was playing there by the professional electronic sign with scrolling showtimes hanging over the main door.

Beautiful, right?
Look, I'm all for supporting the independent theater, but The Pavilion is such a friggin crapfest, I find myself hoping that AMC will step in, buy the place, and once-and-for-all fix shit. Until then, I'd rather head over to Court Street (and as we all know, Court Street sucks a dick).