What's grosser than gross? Park Slope's CVS and Duane Reade, apparently.

Image via ParkSlopePatch.com
Well, this is some truly disgusting news. As reported by Park Slope Patch, both the CVS and Duane Reade in Park Slope have failed health multiple health inspections over the past several years. The Duane Reade on Flatbush has failed seven times since 2005:
The Department of Agriculture and Markets defines critical violations as "an immediate threat to the public health and welfare."
According to the data, Duane Reade (296 Flatbush Ave) failed their last inspection date on December 27, 2012 with one critical violation. Inspectors found 10 to 20 “fresh appearing mouse droppings” on the floor, underneath food storage shelves in the basement storage area.
During an inspection on May 9, 2005, inspectors seized 4.9 lbs. of chocolate bars and cookies on retail shelves which were found to be rodent-defiled with gnaw marks. The products were destroyed under signed waiver during inspection.
Feel like vomiting yet? The CVS on 9th Street has failed five times since 2004.
Their last inspection was August 8, 2012, however, and during this visit there were no critical deficiencies. But there were “general deficiencies” like two live flies found in the retail area, exterior rear exit door had a space greater than 1/4 inch at bottom, 5 to 10 old appearing mouse droppings are on basement's floor/wall junction, and more.
However, during a May 23, 2012 inspection the Department of Agriculture and Markets seized 2.2 lbs. of Hershey's chocolate bars and Snickers peanut butter candy because they were found to be rodent defiled with gnaw marks. They also found 50 to 100 fresh mouse droppings on candy storage shelves in the basement.
Pretty nasty stuff. So, as your picking up your Easter candy this weekend, you might want to check the packaging a little more carefully than usual.