Warm Fuzzy: Park Slope Kids Share Their Thoughts on Love
Posted by:
Karen |
Thursday, February 7, 2013 at 2:00PM

Ugh. Valentine's Day. This big sloppy mess of unmanageable expectations and epic levels of disappointment is only one week away. Does anybody actually enjoy this Hallmark holiday? Oh, yeah. Kids! Kids just fucking lurve Valentine's Day. They get to write all their classmates' names on cute little cards covered with their favorite tie-in characters -- like Batman or the Disney Princesses -- and hand out those terrible tasting candy hearts, and wear red to school. Thanks to New York Magzine's blog, The Cut, we discovered this adorable video of Friend of FiPS, Brian Braiker, interviewing a bunch of Park Slope kids about love. I see a bright future for the girl who says, "We don't have crushes on boys, boys have crushes on us." Sing it, little sister!