UPDATE: Lice Busters Coming to Percy's Space, NOT Sweet Melissa's

Well, this makes a whole lot more sense. As it turns out, Lice Busters is NOT moving into the ginormous space left by Sweet Melissa's, but rather they will take up residence in the every-so-slightly more discreet spot where Percy's/South Brooklyn Pizza storefront. Our initial source had told us that they were moving in "next to the pizza place across from PS321," which could only have meant the Sweet Melissa's, which is next to Pino's. Newer and apparently better informed sources have confirmed that it's actually the old Percy's space. There's a lotta lice going around Park Slope, but it did seem like a stretch that there would be enough business to cover the rumored $16,000/month asking rent for Sweet Melissa's.
The owner of Lice Busters is a woman named Dalya Harel, who apparently has a lock on the lice business at Berkeley Carroll, Beth Elohim, 321, as well as camps all over Long Island, according to our sources. We also hear that she once treated the entire cast of kids of a certain popular Broadway show when they got lice.
So rest easy, people who freaked and said they wouldn't eat at Pino's once the lice lady moved in. You can go back to pretending that half the kids in there don't already have lice. *scratch scratch*