Union Market Butchers Accused Of Selling Sub-Standard Animal Flesh

Photo via Park Slope Lens
Quail egg-selling, goat's milk lovin' Union Market is self-described as "organic, local and all-natural." Their shit is more expensive because it's higher quality than what you might find at Costco, right? OR IS IT? (DUN DUN DUN)...
This morning The Post reported that UM's butcher has been supplying its customers with low-grade meats that one might find in a cheap diner. A New York beef supplier, who wished to remain anonymous and ninja-like, claims that some of the market's meat comes directly from his shop, and it's not up to par with what Union Market is promising its customers:
"Nearly every week, the store butchers call to order beef or pork, and it's not natural, or antibiotic- or hormone-free. I would bet they are not telling the customers that," said the butcher, who asked that his name be withheld.
Union Market Co-owner Marko Lalic is predictably peeved about this allegation, and has launched an internal investigation into the claims.
"It's very alarming. This is of grave concern to us. There is no truth to it whatsoever. Everything we buy is carefully and thoroughly checked before we bring the meat into our stores."
Lalic claims that he purchases his meats through a central purchasing department and NOT individual butchers, but the anonymous John Doe butcher supplied The Post with invoices showing that Union Market purchased flank steak, skirt steak, top butt, knuckles, top round, pork butt, pork breakfast sausage and pork casings for making sausage from the supplier.
[When their primary stock is low] "They'll order peeled knuckle or top butt, which can be used in ground beef. It's a little bit of this, a little bit of that. It's filler."
Lalic told Gothamist that the claims are, "totally unfounded—this whole thing is simply not true. Our entire meat program is very traceable."
Do you think Lalic and the John Doe beef supplier have gotten into a back-and-forth-he-said-she-said over the phone about this yet?
John Doe Butcher: You're selling shitty pork butt!
UM: Am not!
John Doe Butcher: Are too!
UM: Nah-uh!
John: Yah-huh!