U-G-L-Y You Ain't Got No Alibi, Park Slope Ladies

You guys know that we at FIPS keep an eye on what people are saying about Park Slope and all of the FIPSters who live here. I’m not going to say no one can insult us but us, but let’s heavily imply it, okay? Last week someone on an anonymous mom forum called You Be Mom had something to say about the women of Park Slope. She called us unattractive.
My first reaction was to get defensive. I mean, I live in Park Slope. A bunch of my friends and coworkers live or have lived in Park Slope. We are all pretty damn attractive, thank you very much. And let’s be clear, everyone is attractive, regardless of whether they conform to society’s idea of “attractive,” because attraction is relative. But then I kept reading, and the poster’s meaning became clearer: she cares about what she looks like when she walks down the street, and the rest of us women in Park Slope don’t, and therefore are frumps. So it’s not about our inherent beauty, it’s about grooming and presentation.
Now, it seems as if she is not judging these women when she’s out at a fancy restaurant for dinner, or at a bar watching people hit on each other, or, God forbid, at these women’s jobs, all places where women (and, you know, people in general) usually endeavor to look nice and on some occasions, attractive. No, she is judging them out on the streets of Park Slope.
When do I run wild on the streets of Park Slope? On weekends, when I have errands to do. I don’t know about you, but while some of us ballers might occasionally entertain the idea of having a meet-cute in Union Market, most of the time when I’m dropping off laundry or hitting up Rite Aid for cold medicine, I don’t give a shit about what I look like. Clothed? Check. Hair in a ponytail? Check. Makeup and adorable outfit? Not required. And if I don't care what I look like while running errands, why should anyone else?
I’m not going to touch the bit about young hot finance wives, because I don’t know any, but I will say I did get a great haircut a while back at Medusa, so I don’t disagree with everything on that thread.
What do you think? Am I totally wrong and letting Park Slope down by not wearing heels at the bodega?