This Random Act of Kindness Is Proof That Humanity's Not Totally Fucked

There has been some shit in the news lately that has probably made all of us question whether humanity is going straight down the toilet, right?
We recently received an email from a FiPS reader that has restored our faith in the human race for the time being. In it, the tipster recounted an incident in which a woman possibly saved another woman's life on a subway platform:
At the Atlantic/Pacific Street station on December 27 at about 10PM, a distraught woman sat down at the edge of the subway tracks. She was trying to climb down and kill herself.
Another woman, a complete stranger, pulled her away and comforted and hugged her. It was the most moving thing I've ever seen, and the best single act I've ever witnessed another human being do for a stranger in my entire life. The hero then quietly got on the R train, and got off one stop later at Union without any fanfare. I wanted to say something to her, but I knew I couldn't do so without bawling.
There were many witnesses to this event, and it clearly moved a lot of them, too. I hope someone can find her and thank her because no one did.
It's not often that we interact with strangers on the subway -- we're usually engrossed in books, music or our phones -- so if you're reading this, mystery woman, we thank you for noticing someone else in need and doing something about it.