Caption This Park Slope Photo!

Photo via
This skeleton-y thing comes from the Brooklyn Superhero Supply Company on 5th Avenue, and is dying for a caption. Give it your best shot in the box below!

Photo via
This skeleton-y thing comes from the Brooklyn Superhero Supply Company on 5th Avenue, and is dying for a caption. Give it your best shot in the box below!
It's Monday, which means you're probably at work wishing that maybe it were Friday, and if you have an annoyingly bubbly desk mate like that "Corporate Accounts Payable, Nina speaking! Just a moment" lady, you maaaaaybe want to rip all of your hair out. Before you do that, first -- picture yourself with a giant, self-inflicted bald spot. Not so sexy, right? Next, leave your FiPSIEST caption in the box below!
[Photo via the FIPS Flickr Pool via Flickr user LostinBrooklyn]
Photo via www.guidespot.comIt's an all-too-familiar scene, though it's not something we're ever tired of bitching about. Leave your best caption in the box below to win a disease-free FiPS hug.
Photo via the FiPS Flicker pool by A Crom
Though most of you surely exercised your witty quip muscles during last night's debate by dropping a clever Tweet once every ten seconds, I'm confident that you've got enough juice in you to take a shot at this squirrel with a giant nut in its mouth. GO!
Anyone else immediately get the heebie jeebies after looking at this photo? Don't look at it longer than you have to -- leave us your best caption and be on with it. [Shudders.]
[Photo provided to the FiPS Flickr Pool by user A Crom]