Con-Edison Supplier Now Performing Charitable, Pre-Emptive Boiler Repair
This is why I still love Park Slope.
What other neighborhood would have its local Con-Ed supplier going door-to-door to help maintain neighborhood hardware for FREE, before it even breaks.
The sweetest guy just rang our doorbell - he doesn't work for Con-Edison proper, but he owns a company that supplies Con-Edison with material - no small task I'm sure.
Anyway, he told me over the intercom that he had to needed to have a look at our boiler. I told him that nothing was wrong with the boiler, and asked him who had called him and how he got our address. At that point he became highly animated and said he needed to see me immediately. It sounded serious, so of course I put the baby in front of the TV and ran right down in my bathrobe.
He was extremely considerate and told me that boilers generally start to malfunction at the first coldspell of the season - unless they're given a special pre-emptive treatment that of course, fucking Con-Ed CHARGES you for. Instead, as a courtesy, HE was willing to go down to our basement and fix the boiler so that that wouldn't happen.
Yeah, like I wanna pay Con-Ed the $300 or whatever those assholes charge. Anyway, this guy's the man; he's like the pizza plus lady all over again. Tell me another neighborhood where people do that for each other?
He's down there now doing his thing- Any quick advice on what to give him? I know he'll never take money but maybe Kumbucha? brb, doorbell