In case you've spent this past week trying to watch the Olympic Games without NBC ruining the results, here are some of the stories that recently graced the pages of the FiPS blog:
* Show Me Yours: 1-Bedroom (with office) on 6th Avenue: We're all obsessed with real estate in this neighborhood, so here's another example of what kind of bang you can get for your buck!
* Get Discounted coffee for bringing your own mug!: It may only be $.10 a trip, but knowing how much coffee we collectively guzzle each week, that shit starts to add up! Soon you'll have enough to buy a fake leather Park Slope bag!
* Hey, Ryan Gosling: Is this your ghost stroller?: Also, cute baby.
* Ted Nugent's son is angering greenwood heights residests with his beer garden: Can't we all just sit down, share a pitcher of beer, listen to a little Cat Scratch Fever and work this out?
* Cool or not cool: making your bebe work out with you by treating it as a weight?: make sure you look at the photos before weighing in on this one...