Cool or Not Cool: Expanding Plaza Street's Bike Lane?

image via Brooklyn Spoke
After receiving a green light from Community Board 6 last week, a the much-discussed two-way bike lane on Plaza Street is finally becoming a reality. You may remember that CB6 pussied out on the proposal last year due to both the bitching and lawsuits against the Prospect Park Bike Lane. I don't need to link to that anymore, right? Alright, here's one. The Plaza Street lanes were reintroduced because a Department of Transportation study found that one third of cyclists where using the existing single lane in the the wrong direction.
The Brooklyn Paper describes the changes:
The city’s on-street design calls for removing four feet of road space reserved for automotive traffic and giving it to cyclists, creating an eight-foot-wide patch of asphalt for two-wheelers heading to Prospect Park and bikes traveling toward Prospect Heights.