Suck It, Manhattan Hegemony! We’re the Captain Now. WE’RE the Captain Now.
As is well known to anybody who reads the NYT Style Section, NY Magazine, and, well, Fucked In Park Slope, Brooklyn long ago stopped being that place where people lived when they couldn’t afford Manhattan, and indeed became a destination for restaurants, good public schools, and hipster fedoras.
Most recently in the Dept of Brooklyn Ascending, when Park Slope’s own Bill de Blasio was elected Mayor, Brooklyn’s position as NYC’s most powerful borough seemed secured. As FIPS reported recently, BDB seems in no hurry to emigrate from Kings County; he continues to commute from his home in Park Slope to City Hall, and only makes special-occasion appearances at Gracie Mansion.
Now he’s gone several steps further, in appointing to his cabinet a goodly number of Brooklynites. An easy majority (dare we say landslide?) of his top-level staffers and commissioners call Brooklyn their home. So what does this mean? Does it even mean anything -- other than Expect Continued Delays on the Manhattan Bridge from All the Brooklyn-based Cabinet Members Riding their Fixies to Work?
One prediction: a lot of whining from Manhattanites, who are used to living in the controlling borough, claiming Mayoral subway sightings, and getting their electricity restored before everybody else after a storm.
Can you really blame Brooklyn for being a little drunk with power after being identified for so many years as “outer”? We’re getting our turn at bat, and so far our Mayor hasn’t chosen to Move on Up to the East Side. Who can blame him; he knows what borough’s running this ship.
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