Stoop Juice Guy Gets Flirty with Park Slope Moms

Recently, we received an email from a Friend o'FIPS who had an interesting experience at Stoop Juice on 7th Avenue in South Slope:
Last week, as an after-school treat, I took my four-year-old to a new juice shop on the way home. In the window, a chalked sign advertised an “after-school special” of a $5.00 smoothie. Not cheap, but, I figured, what the hell? My daughter would appreciate something out-of-the-ordinary to celebrate the new school year.
As our smoothies were being made, the shop’s proprietor gave me the hard-sell: Every ingredient was completely organic, down to the chocolate. Then he informed me that I have “nanny style.” When it became clear to him that I didn’t know what he meant, he asked, “You the mama, or the nanny? You’re what? Twenty-two or –three? You got nanny style!”
I was embarrassed for a few reasons. First, I’m forty-five, so he could not have been less sincere if he’d tried. Second, I suddenly very clearly saw myself as the demographic he hoped to cultivate: upper-middle class, a parent, an unabashed gentrifier who could throw down $10.00 for an after-school snack for my daughter and me. To this guy, what could I possibly want to hear more than I was some kind of all-organic Dorian Gray?
That night, I emailed the exchange to a some friends. I found it too funny and revealing to keep to myself. A few days later, one of them texted me that she had gone to the juice place and that he had pulled the “nanny style” line on her. So here we are, being reminded of who we are, even if we don’t want to see ourselves that way at all.
Any other hot mama breeders out there have a similar experience?