St. Paddy's Day Spellcheck

Did you know there's a wrong way to wish someone a Happy St. Patrick's Day? Well, there is. And the website is happy to explain how you're fucking it up all over the place, people:
Paddy is derived from the Irish, Pádraig: the source of those mysterious, emerald double-Ds.
Patty is the diminutive of Patricia, or a burger, and just not something you call a fella.
There isn’t a sinner in Ireland that would refer to a Patrick as “Patty”. It’s as simple as that.
There's even a scroll of people screwing this up on Twitter so you can Erin Go Bragh about knowing how to spell it correctly. May the road meet you at the end of the wait...may the door hit your ass on your way out...wait,'ll come to me...may the force be with you! That's it, right?