Smoky Odor Wafting Over NYC From NJ Forest Fire

The first thing most New Yorker's thought when they walked out their doors this morning was "where's the fire?" Here in Park Slope, there was definitely a strong campfire-y smell wafting through the air. Not surprisingly, the odor was coming from New Jersey (hey now!). Apparently, there was a fire in Wharton State Forest, which is about 90 miles away from New York City, just northwest of Atlantic City. So, how did it get here?
Storm Team 4 meteorologists say that winds most likely carried the smoke to the area Sunday evening. Winds died down overnight, settling the odor over the city. It became trapped under what meteorologists call an "inversion" in the atmosphere. The air above is warmer than the air at ground level, which means the air doesn't rise and the smoke doesn't escape into the atmosphere. That's why it's hovering near the ground.
Tonight, when you're having trouble falling asleep, you can watch this mesmerizing incredibly boring video from News Chopper 4 showing the haze over the city over the city this morning: