Sick of The Slope? Move In With This Guy!

Remember the couple that made a music video to announce their break-up? Well, the dude part of that equation, Jonathan Mann, has a new apartment in Williamsburg, and he's looking for a roommate, and what better way to entice someone to move in with you than to write an original song about how awesome your new place is? That break-up song was nothing short of annoying, but I have to admit, I've had the chorus of the roommate song stuck in my head ever since I first watched the video:
Come live with me.
I need a rommate.
Come live with me.
This place is awesome.
Come live with me.
Let's see if we get a long.
Come live with me.
I'll probably write a song...about it.
Okay, fine, so it's maybe two steps up from Rebecca Black's "Friday," but you have to admit, he does seem a lot happier now that he's single.