Santa Con Not Welcome in Bushwick After All

Remember how we told you yesterday that Santa Con would be moving from the East Village to Bushwick this year? JK! LOLZ! Turns out, the people of Bushwick were having none of that:
"Our community's growing and changing, but we still have a lot of young children here," CB 4 District Manager Nadine Whitted pointed out. "To have them witness the image of Santa Claus, to see that image being destroyed with whatever this group is going to bring, I think is something that couldn't come here."
Apparently, Bushwick parents are able to come up with an elaborate lie about a fat man who flies around the world in one night on a sled with magic reindeer, and delivers presents to all the good kids, BUT, they can't make up a convincing story to explain away some drunk 20-somethings in costumes. So SantaCon in Bushwick is cancelled. No, wait, what I meant to say is that the parents of Bushwick think adults are stupid enough to believe their lie about not wanting SantaCon around because it would be too hard to explain it to children.
Clearly, SantaCon needs a new home. Why not Park Slope? We'd loooooove to you here.