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Results from PSP's Bebesitters Survey Are in, and the Findings Are Hot! (sort of)

In January, local parenting guide blog Park Slope Parents conducted a survey on babysitters, which they aptly titled "Babysitter Survey 2012." Much to everyone's my thrill and awe, the results have been culled together in an extensive 45-page report. Don't have the time or attention span to read the whole thing? No worries -- I did it for you. The results are taken directly from PSP's report, and the commentary from my brain. First...

The Definition of a Babysitter:

"Babysitters (e.g., Date Nights) who are NOT employed on a regular weekly basis for more than 15 hours). If your daytime Nanny helps with babysitting, please DO NOT take the survey)."

(I'm not a 100% on their parenthetical work up there) 

Who Took The Survey?

  • 512 parents from Brooklyn took the survey.
  • 87% were members of Park Slope Parents. The remaining 13% came from similar sites or email forwards from friends. 
  • 59% of those surveyed live in Park Slope or close-by neighborhoods such as Prospect Heights, Windsor Terrace, Ditmas Park and blah blah blah.

Who Are These Babysitters?

  • 90% of all the babysitters are over 21 years-old. 55% of parents employ babysitters who are 22-30 years old (wait, you mean Park Slope kids aren't babysat by a 12 year-old girl like I used to be)?

  • 97% of these babysitters are female (so then would it be weird if I tried to get a job as a sitter?)

  • 33% of babysitters live in the neighborhood, 41% live close by but not directly in the hood, and 25% live in Queens (or somewhere else far away). 

"What's Your BabySitter Got to Do with Me? (I Gotta BabySitter)"

  • 51% of parents surveyed have used a babysitter once or twice a month over the last 6 months (Good parents). 30% have used a sitter once a week, or more (Bad parents), while 18% have used one less frequently or not at all (Martyrs). Just kidding.

  • 76% use a sitter on Saturdays, making it the most common “date night.” Saturday nights = sexy time. 54% or all the parents use a sitter on week nights. 

  • 38% of babysitters make $74 or more on a typical night (sign me up! That's some great weekend drinking money for me).

  • 6 in 10 parents spend between $75 and $125 on their “date night,” on top of what they pay their sitter (is it me or are they using the term "date night" a lot? Is that a thing for parents? My parents called a sitter when my father dragged my mother's ass to like, office parties, or out to dinner with their lame-ass friends. I guess my parents didn't want to spend alone time together).

  • 63% of parents pay for a car service on top of the hourly fee (they get a paid car home? I'm clearly in the wrong line of work).

Mo Money, Mo Children:

  • 50% of parents pay $15/Hr (Ok, so the hourly rate makes it seem a little less lucrative). 
  • 55% of parents with one child pay $15/hour, while 43% of parents with two children pay $15/Hr
  • Average Cost of babysitter for 1 Child: $14.50
  • Average Cost of babysitter for 2 Children: $15.50
  • Average Cost of babysitter for 3 Children: $16.80
  • Average Cost of babysitter for the Duggars: $10,000 
  • Babysitters under 21 are paid $2-$3 less per hour than those over 21... (ah, ageism). 
  • $158 is the average cost of a date night AND babysitter combined (range $56-$229), not counting a car service or food for the sitter. 

Overheard on the PSP Survey Report:

The most entertaining aspect of the 2012 PSP Babysitter Survey Report was the comments section:

  • “I find the whole process stressful... I find myself rushing my husband through his after dinner coffee just so we can be home by 10pm and avoid paying an extra $25 for the car service, which is not a nice relaxing night out.”
  • “I just never get around to arranging nights out. Husband is always too busy or tired to want to go out.” YIKES! Dr. Phil, help. 

My mother's response to the following comments: "Tough shit, they'll get over it. You did."

  • “Trauma on my separation-phobic kids.” 
  • “Daughter throws a tantrum when I leave her with someone who is not a family member.”
  • “My child is old enough to want Mommy now and it becomes a battle.”
  • “My daughter is very challenging with babysitters and won't go to sleep with them. So, we have to stay home until she's put to sleep. At that point, it seems silly to go out." 

Since I am neither a babysitter or a parent, I can only report on what I read.  Do you parents out there have anything to add based on babysitting experiences in Park Slope? Let us know in the comments!

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